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Enriched Kindergarten

5 to 6 year olds
  • Authentic Montessori instruction in practical life, sensory activities, language, mathematics, science & geography

NOTE: As we are a private school we remain in close contact with the NB Department of Education regarding any and all curriculum changes at the Kindergarten level.

As with all children who attend Montessori Dieppe, Kindergarten children form part of multi-aged classrooms. Interaction with their younger peers is an important part of the learning process for Kindergarten students. Such interactions present Kindergarten students with the opportunity to learn or hone non-academic knowledge and skills such as: empathy, compassion, leadership, grace, courtesy, etc.

While our Kindergarten program is language intensive, it also excels in geography, mathematics, science, general culture, and most of all, advanced practical life.

Our Kindergarten program does not have a pass/fail grading system, but aims to simply work through the material at the child’s pace. Unlike the public school, our classroom is often full of children working on a variety of different projects rather than everyone doing the same thing. We follow a pre-determined curriculum, but allow the students to choose their own work on a daily basis, which gives them a chance to focus on their interests. There is also no focus on homework at Montessori Dieppe, although we may send home readers or words for the parents to practice with their child. This is an activity that the students take much pride in and it doesn’t feel like extra work.

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Practical Life Exercises

that assist children in learning to take care of themselves, each other and the environment.

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Sensory Activities

which provide specific opportunities for exploration which refine the senses.

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Language Exercises

that nourish the child, enrich vocabulary, enhance self-expression and develop reading and writing skills.

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Mathematical Materials

which offer exciting, concrete experiences of number concepts and operations.

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Science & Geography

activities that allow students to make discoveries about the physical world, while nurturing an interest in science and respect for life.